Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Felt" defeated, but then...

Today I woke up and of course the first thing I did was jump on the scale. I am not suppose to weigh myself everyday, but let's be real...I'm obsessed and it's a terrible habit! In my defense, I have tuned it down to twice a week. The first one being whenever I get the crazy urge during the weekday and my "official" weigh in is on Sunday mornings.

This is week six that I have been with my trainer and I've lost 16 lbs as of this past Saturday. Back to the weigh in today, as I eargerly jumped on the scale I honestly expected to have lost at least one more pound from Saturday, but that wasn't the case. I had gained 3 lbs and if you personally know me, then you can only imagine how absolutely dramatic I was over it. I felt as though I was cheated, as though I was being sabatoged...I felt defeated! I could not believe my eyes. I weighed myself three times to make sure the scale wasn't going buck wild, and it wasn't. It read the same number every time. Which means that my glorious 16 lbs brought me down to only -13 lbs. As deflated as I felt I knew I only had to work harder and push myself even more...I had to let my trainer know what the deal was.

While at the gym (Cardio day) I discussed with my trainer what had happened, he was shocked...he later turned to my cousin and asked him, "Hey, is she on her period by any chance?" Frank replied, "Yes!" He then said "perfect, that's the problem...I'm not worried lol." Umm...hello...earth to Yese...why did I not put two and two together??? Geez, sometimes I'm just seriously over myself! Point is, feeling defeated only last as long as you keep dwelling on it.

Anyways, Since today was a cardio day I'll share what I focused on and what I worked on:

Treadmill: 40 minutes at a 15 incline and 3.3 speed.
Burned: 560 calories.

Stairmaster: 45 minutes at level 8
Burned: 690 calories.

<3 Yese

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