Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Relax and Meditate!

Arms, arms and more arms...and of course cardio too.

We started off the week (Monday and today) doing arms workouts. I love working out my arms because to me, there is nothing worse than flabby arms, you know the ones where someone waves and...yeah, they are still waving about five minutes after they put their hand down. Not cute! After we finished arm workouts I hoped on the stairmaster and completed 45 minutes of level 8, while skipping a step the last 20 minutes. Both yesterday and today I looked like I had jumped into a pool after and I loved it! Oh and let's not forget how I usually start my gym days on the tradmill, 15.0 incline at 3.5 speed for about 45 minutes.

Moving on to today's topic...Rome wasn't built in a day. I have to keep reminding myself that, it's not easy and it is not quick. This is a process and that I need to simply relax and give my 100% everytime, and in time the results will peak through. I am guilty of getting desperate, anxious, depressed and sad about how long it takes to "look great!" I am constantly looking at my progress in the mirror and if you are an OCD person like myself, it will drive you insane! I know I may sound a little crazy, but I have started meditating lately. Every morning before I have my breakfast I meditate in my room and after I come home from the gym I meditate for a second time. So far, so good! I am starting to accept that my body will not be transformed from one day to the next and I need to RE-LAX!.

If your mind runs wild a lot and if you sometimes realize, "Hey, I need to take a chill pill." I suggest you meditate. It's working for me!

<3 Yese

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