Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Stairway to.....

I know it has been a few days since I last blogged but I have been rather busy with school and well...the gym. Destroyed legs today and I know that I am  going to feel this tomorrow and probably well into next week. Today was a day of all new leg exercises. Usually, we do your typical weighted squats, weighted lunges, and hamstring machines. Our trainer decided to change things up a bit and introduced us to exercises I have never even seen before. I started as I always do (mild treadmill) for about 20 minutes. We then played around with two thigh machines (4 sets of 30 reps) and then the creativity began. For 5 rounds of 20 reps we did ass workouts and squats until our legs felt like jello. Then to top it all off, 40 grueling minutes on the stairmaster (35 mins at level 8 and 5 mins at level 10). There's just something about leg days that feel soooooo productive :)


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